7 Tips to Cook Safely Despite Coronavirus Concerns

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Written By NewtonPatterson

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Even the most skeptical are showing concern and caution about how to avoid contagion and stay safe from the coronavirus pandemic. Many states have closed down restaurants and bars since the White House guidelines were published two weeks ago. Cooking at home is now the best and most secure option.

You can order takeout or delivery food, which is a great way of supporting local restaurants. However, ordering takeout for kulinarika every meal can be costly. There are many recipes that will make cooking enjoyable and rewarding.

These are some easy ways to protect yourself and your family from COVID-19 when you cook in the kitchen. These tips will help you to reduce your risk of getting the virus…or any germs.

1. Wash your hands
This tip is probably something you have heard a thousand times. But here it is, the 1,001th time. To avoid COVID-19, you should still wash your hands with hot soapy water for at least 20 seconds. You can still wash your hands thoroughly with hot soap and water for 20 seconds before you go to the market. It’s fine, but don’t let it give you a false sense security that allows you to touch your face as if it were nothing.

2. Keep your counters clean
Make sure your counters are clean Researchers from the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Princeton University tried to replicate the coronavirus that is deposited onto everyday surfaces by infected people (such as through touching or coughing). The researchers looked at how long the virus can remain infectious on these surfaces. They found that it can take up to 7 hours for some surfaces like plastic and 3 to 4 hours for metal. It is important to thoroughly clean your kitchen before and after each use.

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3. Take care of your food packaging
Place your grocery bags in the kitchen sink when you bring home your groceries. It is much easier to clean the sink, rather than the kitchen counters, after disposing of all packaging.

4. Solo work
This is common sense, but we live in an era when it is important to reiterate common sense. You have a lower chance of contracting any contagion if you have less contact with others. Social distancing works!

5. Wash your vegetables
There is no need to use chemical cleaners to wash fruits and vegetables. You can wash your fruits and vegetables with lots of water and give them a scrub. Make sure to wash your hands after you have handled them.

6. Your food should be cooked to 165°F
To kill germs, a general rule of thumb for cooking is to heat the food to 165°F. It is best to cook it at 165 degrees, which is the universal temperature that will kill germs. This is especially true if you are reheating food from a restaurant.

7. Share food
This is a case of social distancing. Although you and your family may enjoy stealing food from one another’s plates, this is not the right time to taste-test or steal other people’s food. You shouldn’t pass food around from one person to the other, or vice versa. It is just good sense to keep your food private.