Baby Shower Games: Fun Ideas to Make Your Celebration Memorable

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Written By NewtonPatterson

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A baby shower is one of those cherished moments that friends and family gather to celebrate a new life on the way. Planning one can be exciting, but let’s face it—choosing the right baby shower games is where the fun truly kicks in! Whether you’re aiming for classic or modern, silly or sentimental, the perfect game will keep the mood light and the guests entertained. So, let’s dive into a list of unique and creative baby shower games that are guaranteed to make your event unforgettable!

Why Baby Shower Games Matter

Throwing a baby shower is more than just gathering around and opening gifts; it’s about creating memories that last a lifetime. One of the best ways to break the ice and get everyone involved is by incorporating games. Baby shower games allow guests to bond, share laughs, and sometimes even learn a thing or two about babies! But with so many game options out there, how do you choose the best ones for your celebration? No worries—we’ve got you covered. Below, you’ll find a variety of baby shower game ideas suitable for any group, whether big or small, formal or casual.

1. Guess the Baby Food

This classic baby shower game is both fun and delicious! Get a selection of baby food jars (remove the labels or cover them up), and have each guest taste-test a small spoonful to guess the flavor. Believe me, it’s harder than it sounds! From peas to peaches, this game is sure to get some laughs.

How to Play:

  • Gather 5–10 different jars of baby food.
  • Number each jar and write down the corresponding flavors.
  • Give guests a notepad and pen to jot down their guesses.
  • The guest with the most correct answers wins a prize!

2. Diaper Changing Relay

This one is for the competitive guests in the room! You’ll need a few baby dolls and some diapers. Split the guests into teams and see who can “change” the baby’s diaper the fastest.

How to Play:

  • Set up a diaper-changing station with baby dolls and diapers.
  • Each team lines up, and one by one, they race to change the baby’s diaper and then tag the next person in line.
  • The fastest team wins a baby-themed prize!

3. The Baby Name Game

What’s more exciting than choosing baby names? In this game, guests write down as many baby names as they can think of in a certain amount of time—starting with a specific letter!

How to Play:

  • Choose a letter (for example, “B” for baby).
  • Set a timer for 2 minutes and have guests write down as many names as they can think of starting with that letter.
  • The person with the most unique names wins!

4. Baby Bingo

This is a crowd favorite and super simple to set up! Create bingo cards with common baby-related words like “diapers,” “onesie,” “bottle,” and “pacifier.” As the mom-to-be opens her gifts, guests mark off items on their cards that match the gifts.

How to Play:

  • Hand out pre-made baby bingo cards and markers or pens.
  • As gifts are opened, guests cross off corresponding words on their cards.
  • The first person to get a bingo (either straight line or full house) wins!

5. Don’t Say ‘Baby’!

Here’s a game that runs throughout the entire baby shower. Hand each guest a clothespin or bead necklace when they arrive, but there’s a catch—they can’t say the word “baby.” If someone slips up and says it, the person who catches them can take their clothespin or necklace. The guest with the most at the end of the party wins!

How to Play:

  • Give each guest a clothespin or necklace when they arrive.
  • Throughout the shower, if someone hears another guest say the word “baby,” they can take their pin.
  • The person with the most pins by the end wins a prize.

6. Guess the Baby’s Due Date

While this game may be more of a long-term guessing game, it’s still a fun way to keep the excitement going even after the shower is over. Guests predict when the baby will arrive by writing down their guesses on a calendar.

How to Play:

  • Pass around a calendar and have guests write down their name on the date they think the baby will be born.
  • The winner is the one who guesses the correct or closest date when the baby actually arrives!

7. Who’s That Baby?

This is a sweet and sentimental game that everyone will love! Ask each guest to bring a baby photo of themselves to the shower. Display the photos and have everyone guess who’s who.

How to Play:

  • Before the shower, ask guests to send in or bring a baby photo of themselves.
  • Display all the photos with numbers and provide guests with a list to guess who each baby is.
  • The guest with the most correct guesses wins a baby-themed prize.

8. Baby Animal Match

Who doesn’t love baby animals? For this fun trivia game, create a list of animals and have guests match each one with the name of its baby (like a cow and calf, or a dog and puppy). It’s surprisingly tricky!

How to Play:

  • Hand out a list of animals and have guests match them with their baby counterparts.
  • Set a timer, and the guest with the most correct matches wins!

9. Baby Bottle Chug

This one is bound to get some laughs! Fill baby bottles with a drink of your choice (it could be juice, soda, or even something for the adults!), and have guests race to see who can chug it the fastest—just like a baby.

How to Play:

  • Give each guest a baby bottle filled with liquid.
  • On the count of three, they have to drink from the bottle as fast as possible.
  • The first to finish wins!

FAQs About Baby Shower Games

Q: How many games should I include in a baby shower?
A: Typically, 3 to 5 games work well, depending on the length of the shower and the number of guests. You want to keep the energy high but not overwhelm everyone with too many activities.

Q: Are baby shower games necessary?
A: While not absolutely necessary, games help break the ice and bring guests together. They’re a fun way to create lasting memories and keep everyone engaged.

Q: Can baby shower games be played virtually?
A: Absolutely! Many games can be adapted for virtual baby showers. Games like Baby Bingo, Guess the Baby’s Due Date, and the Baby Name Game can all be played over Zoom or similar platforms.

Q: What prizes should I give out for baby shower games?
A: Popular prizes include candles, chocolates, bath products, or small gift cards. You can also theme the prizes around the baby, like bibs or baby-themed candles.

Q: How do I choose games that suit all guests?
A: Consider the crowd—if there’s a mix of ages, go for games that are lighthearted and easy to play. For a more intimate group, sentimental games like Who’s That Baby? work wonders.

Conclusion: Make Your Baby Shower Unforgettable

Whether you go for classic baby shower games or try out something new, the key is to have fun and keep the atmosphere light. From baby food tasting to diaper-changing races, the right games will have your guests laughing, bonding, and making memories that the parents-to-be will cherish forever. So, what are you waiting for? Start planning your baby shower games today, and get ready to celebrate in style!

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