Daylight Savings and Feeding Routines

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Written By NewtonPatterson

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Daylight Savings Day is coming soon and can cause panic in mothers as they try to adjust their sleeping habits for their children.

Many first-time mothers are worried about the impact of disruptions on their clocks.

Are Routines Vital?

If parents want their baby to have good sleep habits and live a normal life, it is a common recommendation to them to establish routines. Dr. Pam Douglas, author The Discontented Baby Book.

New studies have shown that routines and sleep training do not improve your child’s ability to learn and can even make it harder for you and your family.

If your routines work well for you, you don’t need to change. However, if you try to make a routine for your baby, it might cause more anxiety.

Dr Douglas says, “I find that the type of scheduling that is most beneficial to mothers is the scheduling of lots and enjoyable physical and social activities outside of the home with the baby in it.”

Natural Routines

Dr Douglas says that babies’ sleep and feeds are controlled by their biological processes. These processes can’t be forced on them.

However, there are some things that can accidentally interrupt the baby’s healthy sleep regulation system. For example, long, unstructured sleeps in darkened rooms or quiet areas, which can disrupt the baby’s circadian rhythm.

There are patterns and rhythms that emerge daily, but because the baby is constantly growing and changing, it is possible to expect these patterns to change.

What about Daylight Savings?

Daylight Savings does not cause alarm. Your baby’s internal regulators are sensitive to light and noise around him/her, and not the time.

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Your baby’s biological regulators will adjust to your changes in activity. You can rest easy and know that the baby will be able to adapt.

  • It is a good idea to have the baby sleep in the same room that you do during the day as well as at night.
  • This is the best place to sleep for babies under six months old. It also keeps the circadian clock in good health.

Your baby’s biological regulators will respond naturally if you respond sensibly to their cues.