How “mobile vet” clinics differ from traditional vets

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Written By NewtonPatterson

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You and your pet may find it difficult or even frightening to go to the vet. Instead, you can call a mobile veterinarian to help you. This is everything you need about how they work.

Hyundai Australia announced in August that it would share its 2020 advertising budget to three small businesses. Vet2UrPet, a mobile professional vet in Townsville that provides services in the privacy of your own home, was one of the SMBs that won the generous offer at the end of competition.

This is everything you need to know about the mobile pet service.

What is the role of a mobile vet?

A mobile vet, as the name implies, is basically a veterinarian with a van that makes house calls for your furry friend.

Vet2UrPet started with a Hyundai iLoad Van, and Dr Nell Petraello, a passionate veterinarian. She recognized the potential and longing for housecall vets, and she jumped at the chance to make it happen.

Dr Petraello told Lifehacker Australia that he didn’t want to follow the bad example of other mobile vets and work out in a small vehicle without any diagnostic tools or fridge.

“So I bought a van that I could use to do my job properly. It was no different than a stationary clinic. I saved every dollar I had to buy a mobile van that was comfortable and well-equipped so I could do what I love at my clients’ homes.

Vet2UrPet will take your pet to a fully-functional hospital if they require additional care. If necessary, Vet2UrPet will then transport them home to their owners.

Dr. Petraello stated that it is against Queensland Veterinary Board’s policy to perform procedures at home. He explained why he needed a base from which to work.

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It is safer and more hygienic for patients/animals to perform these larger procedures in a controlled setting.

Are mobile vets worth the cost?

A one-on-one consultation allows you to ask more questions and get your questions answered. Vets can find additional information by seeing pets in their natural environment.

House calls may be safer for pets who are prone to getting sick or have difficulty adapting to new faces. This is also a great option for seniors and those who cannot drive.

They are also great for pet owners with mobility issues or pets that have difficulty getting from one place to the next. A mobile vet can be a great option for these situations.

Mobile vets can offer very competitive rates. It’s best to get pricing information from them before you make any decisions. Vet2UrPet charges extra for travel and not for the actual service.

What happens if an emergency occurs?

Mobile vets are not meant to be an ambulance for animals in emergency situations, but they can help until the pet is transported to a clinic.

Dr. Petraello stated that while we try to serve our clients in emergencies as well, each day is unique and it is important to have the right tools to deal with any emergency.

“For instance, I was attending a puppy vaccination clinic when suddenly a dog was hit by a car. The emergency became an urgent situation very quickly and the dog survived.

The greatest misconception about mobile vet

Unfortunately, people still have misconceptions about mobile vets. This is a problem that professionals are working to fix.

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Dr. Petraello stated, “Trying to make people understand that being mobile does not mean you provide substandard services.”

It can be done professionally and properly, and that has been our focus since the beginning.