Make roads safer for children in the Philippines

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Written By NewtonPatterson

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Children under 18 years of age are most at risk from violence and injury. The World Health Organization estimates that around 2270 children are killed each day from unintentional injuries. Road traffic injuries are now more deadly than HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, which kill an estimated 1.35million people annually. There are approximately 35 road accident fatalities per day in the Philippines. This is an average of 12,690 deaths each year.

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Because of their physical and developmental limitations, children are more vulnerable to road traffic accidents.

They have difficulty estimating vehicle speed and are less able see through or around obstructions.

Children are more likely to be injured in accidents on the road, and this can lead to serious injuries or even death.

Oyunsaikhan dendevnorov (WE Philippines Representative) stated, “We must ensure that our children are protected at every time, so they can thrive and reach their full potential.”

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Road safety: Global goals and local actions

WE works around the world to improve pedestrian safety and provide safe routes to school for children. WE have created a Child Road Traffic Injury Prevention Program (CRTIP). This program will help achieve these goals in the Philippines. This program is targeted at high-risk schools across the country and aims to help achieve the national goal of reducing road deaths, as set out in the Philippine Road Safety Action Plan (2017-2022).

This is in keeping with United Nations efforts to improve road safety worldwide and to achieve Sustainable Development Goal (3.6) to reduce the global death and injury from road traffic accidents by 2020.

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CRTIP’s goal is to make roads safer in the Philippines for children by creating models for child traffic safety programs, strengthening data analysis, improving road safety laws, policies and procedures, and improving multisectoral safety for children.

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It is currently being implemented in pilot areas of Valenzuela City and Zamboanga City. Plans are to expand the program to other parts of Metro Manila as well as Region 9.

Talk the talk

A road safety drill was conducted in Zamboanga City Central SPED Center, in partnership with the Department of Education, the City Government of Zamboanga and the land Transportation Office on the 10th of December 2019. This drill kicks off a series road safety activities that will be implemented in 25 pilot schools within the city, which are most at risk of children being injured in road accidents.

The drill was attended by more than 2,500 students. It consisted of an interactive session on road safety tips as well as a practical exercise in which children were led on the streets to use their knowledge and improve their road safety skills.

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“This road safety drill will be implemented in all the schools in the city to help our students learn more about road safety. “We thought that schools do fire drills and earthquake drills but that a road safety drill was equally important as we continue seeing cases of road traffic accidents involving school-going children,” stated Ms. Sarah Handang from the Department of Education, Division Office of Zamboanga.