Teenage Parenting Program: Need programs

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Written By NewtonPatterson

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There are many interventions that can be used to improve the wellbeing of teenage parents and their children. The effectiveness of the Teenage Parenting Program has been shown to improve psychosocial health for parents (including the reduction of anxiety and depression and improvement in self-esteem), and have a variety of developmental outcomes for children. This review examined the effects of parenting programs aimed at teenage parents on their outcomes and those of their children.

There are many problems that adolescents’ parents have to face. Many of them come from poor backgrounds. They can have a variety of mental health issues and lack of support. These factors may explain why teenage children often experience poor outcomes.

These findings are based upon eight studies that measured a variety of outcomes using standardised measures. For nine comparisons, it was possible to combine the results (metaanalysis). Four of the meta-analyses showed that parenting programs may improve parent responsiveness and parent-child interaction post-intervention as well as at follow-up. At follow-up, infant responsiveness to mother showed improvements. Results from the five other meta-analyses were not conclusive.

More rigorous research is required that includes both short-term and long-term monitoring of children of Teenage Parenting Program and that evaluates the benefits and risks of parenting programs for young mothers and young fathers.

Teen Pregnancy/ Teenage Parenting Program

TP3 is a confidential, comprehensive, and comprehensive teen pregnancy support program that can be used to help meet any individual’s parenting needs.

If you’re pregnant…

Things may feel crazy if you’re a Teenage Parenting Program mom or dad to a teenager.

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Talking to someone about your pregnancy, what to expect, and where to go next is a good idea. We offer comprehensive and personalised support to meet your individual needs at TP3. We are here to help you with any decision.

If you are a parent…

Parenting can be difficult and no one is born knowing the best way to parent. You may have many questions or not know where to go if you’re a new mom or dad. We can help you find the parenting strategies and resources you need to be the best parent possible.

Adolescent Parenting Programme (APP)

Overview of the Teenage Parenting Program

APP offers support for first-time parents and teens who are pregnant or parenting through peer group education and intensive home visiting. Each APP can serve 15-25 teens. They may join the program at any stage of their pregnancy Teenage Parenting Program or after they have given birth. The program provides monthly home visits with either the Parents as Teachers or Partners for a Healthy Baby curriculum. Participants also receive 24 hours of group education with their peers.