The science behind play

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Written By NewtonPatterson

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Did you know that your child’s brain grows faster in the first three years than any other period? This is a lot of learning! It’s good to know that the best way for you and your child to support their development is easy and enjoyable for you both.

Play may seem to be all about having fun. But it’s so much more for toddlers and babies. Play is about building life skills, from problem solving to communicating ideas, and strengthening your relationship. You are your child’s first teacher, and their best friend. The LEGO Foundation teamed up to investigate the science behind these playful interactions and how they can help your child develop.

She’s learning physical skills while building a tower.

Stacking objects helps her understand space and movement by practicing sensory-motor skills as well as spatial understanding. This skill set is essential for a healthy and active body. You can engage with your child by watching her build, making facial expressions and adding objects to it. See how high you can get!

He’s developing social skills by making silly noises.

Children naturally seek out interaction through gestures, facial expressions, and babbling. Your child’s needs can be met by you paying attention, naming his actions, and responding with your gaze, voice, and movement. This will help to strengthen and build neural connections that enable him to communicate and develop social skills. This type of giving and taking strengthens your relationship with your child.

She’s developing cognitive skills by playing hide-and go-seek with objects.

It’s a fun and challenging task! Your child will have fun hiding and finding household items, which helps them to develop problem solving skills and concentration. She is learning how to solve complex problems and develop effective strategies to overcome them. Your child can be frustrated at any time. Give her some suggestions, but she should solve the problem on her own.

See also  Witching Hour for Babies

He builds emotional skills by singing and dancing.

Your child’s emotional well-being and emotional development will be greatly enhanced if they can manage their emotions and develop self-awareness. Singing and dancing are great ways to express your feelings. You can make it a bonding activity with singing and dancing.

She’s a creative thinker who draws from her imagination.

Your child is creating her world by drawing it on paper. After she is done, let her show you the world and answer any questions.