Debbie Reber, founder and CEO of “TiLT Parenting”

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Written By NewtonPatterson

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Debbie Reber, a parenting activist and New York Times bestselling author is also a podcast host and speaker. Before tilt parenting was created, Debbie spent over fifteen years writing books for teens and inspiring women. She has also spoken on topics such as media literacy, self-esteem and confidence.

When Debbie discovered that Asher was different-wired, she spent many years trying to figure out how best to support him at school and in everyday life. She also realized how difficult it was for parents to find reliable, helpful, practical, and optimistic information. Many of the organizations and websites that she found didn’t appeal to her. They also didn’t help her plan how she would get Asher the support he needed. The best leads she received were from parents who had been there before her. But even then, it was difficult to figure out where to go next and what to do. TiLT was created so that parents who are stuck in the same place of frustration and not-knowing can feel connected and grounded while they work together to figure out what their child requires in a positive, hopeful way for the entire family.

She has written ten books since 2002, including Differently Wired, Raising an Exceptional Children in a Conventional World. Workman Publishing published it in June 2018. Doable: A Girls’ Guide to Accomplishing Just About Everything and Chill. Stress-Reducing Techniques For a More Balanced, peaceful You are her most recent books.

Debbie was a TV and video producer before she started her own career. She produced documentaries and PSAs to UNICEF and CARE, worked on Blue’s Clues at Nickelodeon and developed original cartoon series for Cartoon Network. She holds a Master’s degree in Media Studies from The New School for Social Research, and a Bachelor’s degree in Communications from Pennsylvania State University.

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After living for five years in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Debbie and Asher, their 15-year-old son, moved back to NYC in December 2018. Debbie enjoys running, traveling, and hiking and considers reality her worst pleasure.

Tilt Parenting Commitment To Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Tilt Parenting was founded in 2016 by me as a safe and inclusive place for parents of neurologically atypical (or “differently wired”) children. My goal was to provide resources, connection and community for parents so they can make choices, feel confident, have peace, and allow their children and families to thrive.

Tilt was also part of the revolution that will change the way neurodifferences in the world are perceived and experienced. You’ve probably read the Tilt Manifesto. This means tackling broken systems and traditional education models.

I believe that our children are here to accomplish great things. Our community is helping our children accept who they are. This must include black and brown kids, as they are often marginalized even within our community of atypical children.